"I would like to donate...."
The Glengarry, Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum is pleased to announce that they have been granted charitable status and can now issue tax deductible receipts as a registered charity.
Monetary donations are graciously accepted and are used to offset the costs of mounting exhibits and hosting events. Donations of this kind are also used for general museum operations and maintenance, a crucial aspect to our survival. These donations can be made in the form of cash, cheque, or e-transfer directed to [email protected].
The museum receives many donations in many different forms, and there is information you should know before donating. The GNLM preserves and interprets the United Empire Loyalist migration to Glengarry County, and the North West Company; paying particular, but not exclusive, attention to Glengarry County connections. Our time period extends from approximately 1775 to 1821 (the American Revolution to the merger of the HBC and NWCo) but also includes any period of history pertaining to Glengarry County and it’s people.
When an object is donated to the museum, the Acquisitions Committee bases their decisions on the following criteria:
- Does the object fall within our scope and content?
- Does the object fall within our mandate?
- Does the object have a connection to Glengarry County?
- Will the object enhance our exhibits and interpretation?
- Is the object in good condition? Does it require conservation?
- Does the GNLM have sufficient space to care for the object?
- If none of the above criteria can be positively answered: Can the object be used for educational purposes?
The Acquisitions Committee will only evaluate the market value (monetary) of the object, if requested by the donor for a tax receipt or insurance purposes. The market value of an object does not affect the Acquisition Committee’s decision (museums are not antique dealers!).
If a donation fails to meet the above criteria, the object will be declined for acquisition. This does not mean that your donation does not have historic value, it means it is not suited for the Glengarry, Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum. Alternatively, the GNLM will do everything in its power to find a suitable home for your donation; this includes contacting other museums and educational institutions.
The Glengarry, Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum values your donations and appreciates your consideration. Please take into consideration the above criteria before donating to the GNLM; If you would like more information on our acquisitions policy and procedures, please contact us at:
[email protected]
(613) 347-3547